The New World Order: Pax Judaica

Richard Edmondson:

” If, as Keiser maintains, Wall Street bankers—the “financial terrorists” as he calls them—are deliberately creating financial havoc on a global scale, and thereby destabilizing whole countries, we have to ask ourselves: is the sole motive personal financial enrichment or are there other objectives? If other objectives are in play, could one of them be “softening up” the European and North American populations in an effort to make them more receptive to coming changes? After all, if the Gentile countries prove incapable of self-governance, many of the people in these countries will not only be more receptive to a Jewish-Hasidic world order that promises stability and a semblance of prosperity, some will actually beg for it.
Yes, affable, apparently pleasant human beings are what we see in the Chabad video. But we have to remember, these are people brought up on the holocaust narrative. From early childhood it is drummed into them, quite literally as a religious credo. Six million…six million…six million. They were very nearly wiped out, says the narrative. And hostile Gentiles the world over, in growing numbers, are simply waiting for the right moment, the right hour, to strike again, to usher in and initiate the latest chapter in a history of persecution stretching back thousands of years, a long segmented chain of victimizations perpetrated by irrational anti-Semites who spread blood libels about them and never seem to tire of repeating history. This is the narrative. And while it is believed to varying degrees, for some it becomes a central part of their self-identity. Am I overstating things? Perhaps. But if I’m not, we must inquire to what lengths such people, such self-identified victims, would go to thwart the presumed machinations of the anti-Semite masses, and would this include the carrying out of a false flag attack?—which could of course be construed as another blood libel, but at some point the narrative and reality, the real and the unreal, the imagination and the substantive, begin to fuse and merge with one another.

If the above-mentioned “softening up” is indeed one of the objectives, then a key function, either consciously or unconsciously, of the various AIPAC-type lobbies situated in Western countries would be ensuring that the most honest and qualified—in essence the most competent—people are excluded from holding public office of any kind. Such individuals would represent a serious threat to the game plan of deliberate destabilization. The “He doesn’t stand a chance of getting elected” refrain then becomes an important psychological underpinning for the new Jewish world order, and with each disappointing election cycle, the refrain becomes more ingrained in public consciousness, reinforced by a rapidly growing recognition that money is the Achilles heel of democracy.

Conveniently, Chabad is there, not only with a solution to these many ills—Jewish control of the world—but even a religion—Noahidism—for the Gentiles to follow and thereby reap the blessings of God as servants of the Jews. The message is: surrender your national sovereignty to the bankers and peace will come. Thus the history of the world progresses…from Pax Romana, to Pax Americana, to Pax Judaica. It is an advancing juggernaut of sorts, and I’m not sure conventional protests such as we’ve seen them in the past, or even rioting such as recently occurred in Britain, are capable of stopping it. What does have the power to derail it, in my view, is an awakening to a strong spiritual faith—though one far different, of course, from Talmudic Judaism or its bastardized “noahide” offspring.

Call me mad if you like; regard me as a lunatic religious fanatic if that’s what pleases you, but the only thing that can halt the juggernaut in my view is a powerful spiritual force among the people, one that would function not instead of, but in addition to, the aforementioned protests, and which would become a key and necessary component of them; a force that is both near and far, within and without, dwelling in every heart, and beyond darkness. Such a force exists. It is called God. It is a God who is infinitely merciful and loving. A God who invites the poor, the crippled, and the blind—or the “blemished” as they were regarded by the Judaic Pharisees—and who responds like a lover, who fills our seven spiritual centers, or “chakras”, when we offer ourselves. It is a God who lives inside us, and who rejoices when, in the words of Paul, we no longer “conform to the pattern of the world.”

My Comment:

The Pax Americana is really a Pax Anglo-Americana or Pax Brittanica.  In the sense that it is financed by the bankers (City of London), it is Judaic, though its Judaic nature is concealed by language.

It  would be more accurate, thus, to say that the Pax Romana was succeeded by the Christian empires –  the Holy Roman Empire in Western Europe, and, in the Near East, The Byzantine Empire. These were then challenged from within by the nation-states, and, from without, by the Mohammedan caliphates that rose in succession after the founding of Islam.

The merchant elites of these nation-states, the bankers, were largely Jewish, so that the Jews by default are identified with the rise and development of the modern state system, although their power was hidden behind the political figures on the stage.

The British empire was in this sense much less British than it was Jewish.

So, evidently, what has supplanted the Mohammedans for the last five hundred years (they are still fighting a rear-guard action) has been an Anglo-Dutch-Jewish hegemony, which, while it has increasingly become overtly Judaicized, was always so covertly.

In brief, since the Enlightenment, we have already been living under the Pax Judaica and the Hebraicization of religion and culture, from Maimonides to Spinoza to Marx  to Reich.

Modernity, as it is today, is no more than secular Semitism, in the words of Joe Sobran.

Note: These are incomplete thoughts. I don’t object in toto to this Hebraicization and see it as coterminous in many ways with “rationalization”, but it is a distinctively Judaic rationalization, owing certain features of even its most secular operations to Cabbala.

To a student of the occult, this cabbalistic underbelly of Western thought (the “wisdom tradition”) can be profoundly enriching, but when it is misconstrued in materialistic terms, it is also the very force working to destroy even the best elements of traditional religion.

Herein lies the problem…

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