Christopher Cantwell on the sufficiency of the NAP

Christopher Cantwell, being brutalist:

“At the end of this discussion, it really doesn’t matter who’s right or who’s wrong, the person with the superior numbers is going to force their bad ideas on everybody else at gun point. Just imagine doing this in reverse, where you start with a threat instead of ending with it. Nobody would try to be polite about their disagreement under those circumstances.

Since we know we have inferior numbers, and the minority always gets screwed and threatened by democracy, this is exactly what this discussion looks like to us. It begins and ends with the threat of violence, so the fact that we don’t shoot you in the face really speaks volumes to our civility.”


Cantwell, a righteous atheist, is pretty good on his ten reasons why libertarians don’t need to be nice.

Note: I don’t consider myself a libertarian of the anarcho-capitalist variety.

I’m a classical liberal.

I come down on the same side as LRC on a lot – if not a majority – of issues for practical reasons.  At some point, I will have the time to stop following the news and read more theory and then I will resolve the theoretical arguments for myself.

One thought on “Christopher Cantwell on the sufficiency of the NAP

  1. RE: “At some point, I will have the time to stop following the news and read more theory and then I will resolve the theoretical arguments for myself.”


    AT that point I hope and suspect you’ll tape up your ripped up Libertarian card?

    Then you’ll re-name it a Rothbardian card.
    Imho, All Humanist should call themselves Rothbardians.

    There’s no need for rigid thought within that framework.

    I.E. I don’t like the idea of shooting people who cross the national boundaries either. That does Not mean you can’t be a Rothbardian. Imho.

    I pray you come back to this side Lila.
    Otherwise, everything I’ve studied has been in error. Every conclusion I’ve drawn has been in error. If that’s the case, there is no difference between man and animal.

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